Rebuilding a B Particle Trap by Using an INC is more difficult than I realized. During the research process of turning an INC into a B Particle Trap, some alterations to the INC resulted. For example, most of the capacitive components making up the structure of the designed B Particle Trap were chosen as electrolytic capacitors. By design, electrolytic capacitors should not be used in reverse. However, while configuring any type of circuit in a simulation environment or a hands-on environment, the polarity of placed electrolytic capacitors can be accidentally switched during the design process. In this case, it causes harmonic frequency problems. In some other cases, it might cause a drop in some achieved high amplitude output thresholds. When a schematic design is compromised as such and functionality is achieved, if the capacitor is flipped to its correct polarity alignment, functionality can cease. Therefore, a decision can be made to leave things as they are by using that incorrect polarity alignment during the design process. It’s the wrong decision. LTspice in its current version and for many years, places electrolytic capacitors in their correct polarity alignment during the design process. In this research effort, to solve the problem of incorrectly placed electrolytic capacitors in the developments or some experiments, electrolytic capacitors are changed to neutral capacitors. Neutral capacitors can be placed in any order. The problem with doing that is all capacitors aren’t neutral capacitors and some capacitors in a schematic design will remain electrolytic capacitors even if that’s not our preference. The fact is that most high-value capacitances are electrolytic capacitors by design and functionality. That sort of threshold potential is great for DC Voltage. However, both electrolytic capacitors and neutral capacitors can be used in electric or voltage design preferences. In designing a B Particle Trap, neutral capacitors are more useful since they are more functional in this case. After the design process, electrolytic capacitors can become useful in boosting the power between output nodes or the current amplitude through components between output nodes. Otherwise, they allow over-current, or short circuits that cause failure via the coupling of like signals. Secondly, many very low capacitance capacitors weren’t electrolytic capacitors many years ago. Most were neutral capacitors. If it cannot be found or made, it cannot be used. The research didn’t have much room to fit electric theories with no physical attributes. However, in the research, some of the electrolytic capacitor brands by default were automatically assigned to some capacitive components in the schematic designs. Changing the capacitors to neutral capacitors might be doable at times when it was ever noticed as being incorrect. Otherwise, a project reaches too far to reassign polarities. Changes cause design failure that might take months to fix. Two things had to be done to make sure the schematic designs followed circuit design rules; Research was done to make sure an electrolytic capacitor that was assigned by LTspice between nodes were indeed electrolytic capacitors that existed. If found to be true items a design wasn’t altered; Also, during the design process, electrolytic capacitors were deleted and replaced so that LTspice can automatically reassign the electrolytic capacitors to retain their correct polarity assignment.
What’s different about using an INC and how it was designed in its entirety is that the originally grounded components remain intact. The INC used in the BPT configuration does not retain any originally grounded circuit components. They were dispersed throughout the BPT design. The BPT Circuits configured by using the original INC have less high-amplitude current controlling parameters. Many parameters must be tweaked as a requirement to design your licensable product into a useful design.
What is a B Particle Trap?
“The INC is the ignition circuit of the Type DAE Circuits and Type VAE Circuits. It isn’t the oscillator circuit used with those two products; The oscillator circuit is a different circuit. The INC merely allows the main Force Components Circuit to achieve a function that the oscillator circuit controls. The INC is designed to share harmonic frequencies with the circuit used with the […] oscillator. The two configurated circuits used without the oscillator amplify the accumulated charges from a battery [Incorporated Nucleus Circuit (INC)].”. The accumulation of charges allowed by a B Particle Trap or (BPT) isn’t retained indefinitely through oscillation or stagnation.
A B Particle Trap:
“The INC is the ignition circuit of the Type DAE Circuits and Type VAE Circuits.”.
“[The] main Force Components Circuit…”.
“The two configurated circuits used without the oscillator amplify the accumulated charges from a battery.”.
The Second Oscillator Designed to be Used with a B Particle Trap
This demonstration is used to show that a B Particle Trap has merit. There are more than five (5) functional oscillators designed to be used with a B Particle Trap. Most function with an input of 1e-9 V to a range of 1e-300 V and they allow outputs of usable power that can be used to power apparatuses. The third oscillator that was developed as an input and output circuit designed to be used with a B Particle Trap functions independently of a B Particle Trap. That was discovered by simple curiosity during simulation research sessions. However, the second oscillator that was designed to be used with a B Particle Trap (BPT) cannot function independently of a BPT. In calculus, a function is an initialized oscillation. With fixed or chaotic input values returnable as input values, the definition of a function or functionality allows infinite outputs that aren’t only zero or Fourier notations of output values. Depending on the mechanics of the medium that interacts with the returnable input values, infinite functionality is achievable as output values.
The INC powers on by using one (1) or two (2) 1.5V batteries. A version of the original B Particle Trap (BPT) was designed by using the original INC configuration. A necessity to use neutral capacitors and electrolytic capacitors when there is no choice is the design rules used to configure the INC with the BPT. The entire design follows those rules. The merged circuits power ON by using four (4) 0.75V batteries. The oscillator created by using an older B Particle Trap (BPT) Circuit version is a switching transistor circuit design used from past research and development. It functions only while a B Particle Trap (BPT) is attached to it and the value of each of the four (4) batteries powering it is at least 0.75V. When this BPT is configured with the right oscillator, it will be able to “function with an input of 1e-9 V to a range of 1e-300 V[, and it would] allow outputs of usable power that can be used to power apparatuses.”.