
If there are doubts concerning what already exists on Earth and what does not exist, the simple alternative to doubt is to be a part of something else. Sure, anyone can waste their time trying to find out the truth. Anyone can blame an entire country or planet by engaging in Conspiracy Theories. However, no one can be productive by using lies or misunderstandings to save people on a planet or escape a planet during an extinction level event or escape an area during horrible wars, if we are living off lies, or simply put, none of the theorized technologies promoted in Conspiracy Theories exist.

The Propulsion Energy Research and the building of other flying equipment will reluctantly lead to the usage of the flying equipment in rescue operations during other natural disasters. The developments will allow the accomplishment of fruitful things the human race isn’t capable of at this time.

We can’t let Conspiracy Theories dominate the human race and have it run so incredibly rampant that it will prevent years of technological advancements. Again, we cannot live off of lies and misunderstandings. If Aliens did it or did not do it, and we are at a very high Tier in our own research, what’s stopping the human race from ignoring that and doing their own stuff?

Why flee? Or maybe fleeing isn’t important to many people because no one lives forever. If that was a thing, a person can simply stop eating and they can starve to death. Since that’s not a thing, a lot of other sustaining alternatives should be at our disposal.

What will your donations be used for?

Your donations will be used to build one of many research facilities, that will be used to hire workers that will be a part of the Propulsion Energy Research project. They will be like any other day to day workers. However, their job will be to build things that connect our planet and other worlds.

My experiences in life have shown me that a connected world is as strange as what causes cloture shock. Why would anyone want to sustain that?

This started out as a general request for donations. That still exists. However, the Propulsion Energy Research will be the initial step in technology developments started by Atomic Electronic Weight Chips and Circuits, Inc..