Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits

VAE DAE License Agreement

—Subject to Change or Update—

Detailed information is required during purchases to get your research package ready for your specific needs. The licensee must specify the desired product before purchasing, and if agreed upon, the files needed for the tasks at hand will be prepared to be submitted through downloadable attachments via email. All details of the licensable products are already submitted on the website for your review. After the negotiation is completed and the licensable intellectual property is decided upon, the payment must be made before the downloadable attachments via email for the intellectual property are submitted. Except for the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits which are licensed at 2 licenses or for four years at the initial licensing fee; The other two licensable intellectual properties (Type DAE or Type VAE) are licensed at 4 licenses or for four years at the initial licensing fee. Thereafter, the initial licensing fee becomes 6 months, or a biannual licensing fee of royalty payments set at a decided percentage per your sales or profits from selling or doing business by using the products. The licensable intellectual property for a four-year licensing fee is nonnegotiable. If the licensee cannot produce a desired product within 4 years, the royalties are negotiable and can be redacted. However, if a resolution cannot be met and the royalties cannot be eventually paid, the licensee must give up all claims in the R&D process and cease ownership of the research and license to R&D the Type VAE Circuit, Type DAE Circuit, or the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits research projects at hand. And no marketing efforts or patenting efforts of the research or byproducts of the research can be made. There are only twelve (12) licenses that will be available for each intellectual property. Besides the settled limitation in licensing potential, twelve (12). What is available to be licensed? There are three (3) intellectual properties, one set of two (2) shares of Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits, and two (2) sets of four (4) shares, four (4) Type VAE Circuits Intellectual Property, or four (4) Type DAE Circuits Intellectual Property. The quantity coincidentally equals the licensing potential of each Intellectual Property. All R&D efforts follow the latter, former, and initial agreements used in managing the intellectual properties. Collaboration with R&D is acceptable if only 2 or 4 parties as the shares are mentioned purchase an initial package, and the package then becomes exclusive rights to others than a single purchasing party managing or using the package. A license is transferable at the same agreement once 4 years have passed at a fee paid to the licensee or second party or parties. A license can only be transferred after 4 years if the initial licensing fees were fully paid to the first party, the second party, and any party or parties owning the license. Except for the initial transference fees paid by future parties (All other parties the license is transferred to) to own a license, all initial royalty fees will go to the first party, and not any other parties or initial second party (The first entity or entities that purchased the license) that purchases the license. The second party selling the license claim on receiving fees or royalties will be made void after the sale. Thereafter, the fees will be royalty payments for the seller or first party, Atomic Electronic Weight Chips and Circuits, Inc., or its shareholders if any other entity owning shares of the corporation is applicable. This agreement is valid beyond 25 years from the date of the product license being purchased by any second party since the licensable intellectual properties won’t be patented or partially not patented, and the fees being paid or were paid are in the protection of the licensable intellectual properties. Any entity can purchase a new license from the first party at any time after another second party purchases a license. However; “There are only twelve (12) licenses that will be available for each Intellectual Property. Besides the settled limitation in licensing potential, twelve (12). What is available to be licensed? There are three (3) intellectual properties, one set of two (2) shares of Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits, and two (2) sets of four (4) shares, four (4) Type VAE Circuits Intellectual Property, or four (4) Type DAE Circuits Intellectual Property.”. While others own a Research License to R&D a Type VAE Circuit, Type DAE Circuit, or Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits, for whatever needs, all licensed customers are sworn as exclusive licensees beyond 25 years or 25 years after the twelve (12) licenses (3 of 3 x 4, 3 of 3 x 4, and 6 of 2 x 6) (36 shares) of each intellectual property are licensable.

—Subject to Change or Update—

XTA Potentials of the Licensed Circuit

Licensed Type DAE Output Circuit or Type VAE Output Circuit allows the licensing of a single XTA Circuit having either a positive or negative XTA. Unlike purchasing Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits, each specified circuit licensed is configured in the same way. All that's different is the desired XTA polarity. Licensing Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits instead allow the management of a Dual XTA Circuit that can be fabricated as a single circuit outlining all nodes linked in all dual output configurations that concerns input nodes, output nodes, and Dual XTA interaction nodes. Referenceable by seeing the licensing fee, Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits are two (2) circuits being licensed. In retrospect, licensing Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits is a discount since extra configurations come with the license purchase.

The Reason for Safe Research Tactics

Once the natural oscillation of the Force Components Circuits reaches ~1GHz in frequency, the isolated X Threshold Amplitude (XTA) nodes allow the usage of high amplitude output power at low currents. Even at low currents, it was necessary to diminish the original outputs of the circuits to lower outputs in power at the output impedance nodes. Without that solution in hands-on research, the entire power source would be an output node with the potential of being unmanageable and dangerous. The lowered power, however, prevents the output nodes from being consistent or redundant in retaining stored charges. Even so, several solutions in the research that allow work, would allow the usage of high power in hands-on projects.

The Type DAE, Type VAE, and Type DAE Dual XTA Output circuit configurations are derived from Dual Gigavolts to Teravolts XTA Power Sources. The maximum output in power amplitudes of a Dual or Single Gigavolts to Teravolts XTA Power Source @ 7A p-p in circuit CTA or through the output nodes is a Gigawatts to Terawatts of usable power between the output nodes. At rest, the Dual or Single XTA power sources’ Current Threshold Amplitude (CTA) is just as well ~7A p-p. The currently derived solution or the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits from such high unmanageable and dangerous XTA outcomes allow the management in outputs of a lowered XTA of ~1GV, and usable output nodes' power of ~150KW p-p to ~5MW p-p @ a circuit CTA of ~1mA p-p to 5mA p-p. The Type DAE and Type VAE circuit configuration solutions are another kind of derived circuits from the latter, that has a XTA in the range of ~5 Megavolts to ~100KV.

Propulsion Energy Research


Before or after purchasing a Research License to R&D any of the circuits; You should know advice is needed to manage a safe research and development experience of any Type DAE, Type VAE, or Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits, or to engineer the desired Renewable Energy Theme.

The licensed research will allow the licensees to explore many alternatives in developing the products and their products. Using this kind of potential technology will take a lot of resources because this research is dangerous.

Fusion Research

Safe Research Tactics

—Let’s mind our thoughts and remember that this isn’t research dealing with electromagnetic fields, and such predictions from this presentation and already achieved results, show that unknown expressions of force interactions in physics will be at hand. Moreover, half of the work, the most important part was already performed for your convenience—

—The Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits are the best choices in fusion research. They would allow seamless initiation in opposite charges accumulation and storage for the fusion research—

Consultation is advised!

Research License to R&D Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits

One of the two, Type DAE or Type VAE circuits can be defined as having a single XTA, and the other can be defined as a Dual XTA circuit even if the functionality of the circuit causes the Dual XTA to collapse or merge as one. In fact, both the Type DAE and the Type VAE XTAs merge as one while they function. The Dual XTA of the merged Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits is gained by using oppositely charged XTAs accumulated by using two Type DAE circuits. Like the Type DAE or the Type VAE circuits, however being configured by using four circuits or two Type DAE Circuits. Each Type DAE Circuit making up the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits keeps its single polarity of accumulated XTA charges.

Output Potentials

In retrospect the Type DAE Circuit has a XTAX node and a companion XTA node allowing high amplitude outputs at the output nodes (See the TYPE DAE SOLUTION CIRCUIT OUTPUT Video). The output node module in parallel to the output node is C28. No resistive component is between the output nodes except C28. If a resistive component was placed in parallel to the output nodes, the Type DAE Circuit becomes a Type VAE circuit if the Circuit has a XTAX node and a companion node except the XTA node. That remains true even if the parallel output node resistive value is less than or greater than 1e-6Ω. That is how things are in this project. The output nodes of the Type DAE Circuit (TYPE DAE SOLUTION CIRCUIT OUTPUT Video) are configured to tap dual XTAs to achieve high output power between module C28. The output nodes of the Type VAE Circuit (TYPE VAE SOLUTION CIRCUIT OUTPUT Video) are configured to tap a single XTA node and a companion XTA node to achieve high output power between module ReN5. Moreso, the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits are two Type DAE Circuits having oppositely changed XTA nodes. For demonstrational purposes, the oppositely changed XTA circuits weren't merged in the simulation solution. Each video in that effect is half the solution. The actual merging will have to happen in hands-on research efforts. OK, during the R&D efforts, simulation research first, hands-on research later.

Hypothetically the XTAs of the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits won't collapse and the usage of the active Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits won't cause high CTA. There will be outputs of high amplitude useable power in the range of ~100KW to ~5MW at very low circuit CTA. Hopefully when configured by using the Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits, that also includes low circuit CTA of Type VAE Circuit output nodes.

The licensable solutions were not possible at the peak in discovering functional solutions in the research by using any solutions. From the published date here (12/2023) to 12/23/2023. The new findings aren’t even a year old. The research efforts were performed as a part of another project in XTA management. The solutions allow direct access in coupling via XTA nodes, and Dual XTAs of two Force Components Circuits working together. However, no capacitive component greater than 68pF in capacitive value can be placed between the output nodes of the Type DAE Circuit that functions because of direct access in coupling via XTA nodes. It isn’t that way with the Type VAE Circuit that has the potential of having output nodes that can be made parallel with a vacuumed environment or component module, and it still functions. While the Type DAE Circuit's functionality is perfect at low currents, the Type DAE output impedance nodes aren’t very useful at low currents. Power loss is definite when the nodes are stressed. For the intended purposes however, a range in capacitance between 1pF to 68pF can be used as an Output Module (C28) between the Type DAE output impedance nodes, and power needed for such impedances will be met.

Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits surpasses the Type DAE and the Type VAE in functionality. The Dual XTA Type DAE Circuits are the best choices in fusion research. They would allow seamless initialization in opposite charges accumulation and storage for fusion research.

$639,999.36 (tax)
Total: $8,639,991.36